World’s funkiest diplomat, Polish Ambassador eyes Tahoe

The Polish Ambassador
The Polish Ambassador is taking his adventure vehicle to Crystal Bay for a show on Friday, Nov. 1.

The world’s funkiest diplomat, The Polish Ambassador (aka David Sugalski) has a special brew bubbling this fall and he will share some Friday, Nov. 1, at Crystal Bay Casino Lake Tahoe.

“Our team is readying for a cosmic gallivant into the mysterious Otherworld for our Halloween Run this year,” the ambassador said in a dispatch. “I’m bringing a cast of amazing live musicians and Ayla Nereo will be joining us performing as Wildlight for the whole run (plus) Random Rab.”

So the beat goes on with a stimulating night of electronic dance music in the Crown Room. Advance tickets are $27 or $30 on day of show. Guests must be 21 or older for the 9 p.m. show. Free Red Room after-party with Disco Terrorist and Funksalot.

Dust off those dancing shoes: “The Polish Ambassador, galactic emissary and international beat chemist, is introduced to the brilliance of Jesse Klein (keys), the luminescence of Robin Jackson (saxophone) and the sheer splendor of Ananda Vaughn (guitar)…

“But take heed young spacelings, the portal that is to open will surely yield supernatural communications from the gods of funk, the ancestors of groove, and the devas of deliciousness. Realms not known will unlock, times undone will unfold, and the concept of “I” will be disintegrated into stardust, dazzling those in attendance into a kaleidoscope dancing between nothing and everything. Just a heads up.”

With a stack of 17 albums and countless remixes, the jumpsuited one (The Polish Ambassador rocks the freshest jumpsuit) has swirled together a cornucopia of music for your auditory senses. Over the last decade, his sound has dipped and swirled through a staggering range of styles, each album exploring uncharted sonic territory. Warm, analogue dreamwave; mind-altering glitch; world-infused groove; bass-fueled breaks; sexified down-tempo; electric lullabies; and psy-fi funk are just a few of the genres that have poured from the Sugalski’s soul into earbuds and ghetto-blasters across the galaxy.

Born outside of Philadelphia and educated at The University of Colorado in Boulder, The Polish Ambassador has lived in Philadelphia, Chicago, Boulder, San Francisco, Oakland and Nevada City. A preacher of sustainability, his beats are born under solar power.

On this tour, he’s rolling on a recycled set of wheels: “This past summer amidst festivals, farm life and beat-making, I found some time to build out an adventure vehicle. I don’t consider myself a builder, but this journey was an amazing reminder that with persistence and a hefty dose of YouTube help videos, we can create almost anything. Go for it!”

The specs are otherworldly: cedar paneled ceiling, cut-in skylight and fan, 2000 watt inverter, high-voltage relay to charge house batteries while driving, full-length bike slide out on backside garage, cabinet doors made from farm wood and secured by 40-pound magnets.

Half the fun is getting there. The other half is onstage.

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Tahoe Onstage is an online entertainment and sports magazine covering Lake Tahoe, Truckee, Reno, the Carson Valley and June Lake.

