Smooth as bees’ nectar and born of a storm, the Honey Island Swamp Band is onstage Tuesday for this year’s penultimate Bluesdays performance in The Village at Squaw Valley.
This band formed in San Francisco after its members were displaced from New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina. Blues purists beware, this band plays a blend of blues, soul, R&B and drips of Louisiana wetlands. It’s been described as Bayou Americana.
“Great music begins with great songs, and great songs are what the Honey Island Swamp Band is all about,” the group notes.
On the 10 year anniversary of Katrina, Honey Island Swamp Band released the album, “Demolition Day,” produced by Luther Dickinson. Band leaders Aaron Wilkinson (mandolin, guitar, harmonica and vocals) and Chris Mulé (guitar and vocals) met by chance in San Francisco. They are joined by Sam Price (bass and vocals), Garland Paul (drums and vocals) and Trevor Brooks (keyboards).
The band is coming fresh from a weekend performance overlooking the Grand Tetons, at the Knotty Pine Supper Club in beautiful downtown Victor, Idaho.
- Bluesdays
6 -8:30 p.m. Tuesdays
The Village at Squaw Valley
Aug. 27 — Honey Island Swamp Band
Sept. 3 — Popa Chubby