Sol Cannabis on Father’s Day features New Wave Crave

Summertime concerts at Sol Cannabis in Washoe Valley are held on the grass.

This note’s for you, Dad.

New Wave Crave performs on Father’s Day afternoon in Washoe Valley as part of the Sol Cannabis Summer Concert Series. The band from Reno celebrates its new wave music from the 1980s enhanced with choreography and some comedy.

“People want to forget about the problems for a little while,” said Damian “Bazil” Janssen, the bass player with a British accent. “It’s awesome that we’re playing on Father’s day because what father doesn’t want to go to Sol Cannabis and party the dad way.”

Sol Cannabis’s 2022 opening outdoor show that begins at 3 p.m. is one of two in the Sunday afternoon series. Other concerts include Tim Snider, Jelly Bread and the Greg Golden Band.

Sol Cannabis’ 8,000 square foot dispensary offers visitors the chance to tour a glass-enclosed extraction lab and kitchen and natural sun lit greenhouse.

During the live show lockdown, New Wave Crave stayed sharp by rehearsals on Zoom. The band has added a new Miss X: Laure Rocke, and – Hey, ho, Let’s go! — a Ramones song, “Blitzkrieg Bop.”

“The great thing about the ’80s was the attitude behind it,” said guitarist Justin Doerr, who dresses as Duckie from the Brat Pack movie “Pretty in Pink.”

Onstage, Ducky obsesses over Molly Ringwald and Bishop “B” Bautista plays disco-mod hybrid beats.

“We work hard to put on an actual show where it’s hard for people to look away from the stage,” Janssen said.

Doerr’s guitar playing and the overall musicianship of the band creates an orchestrated sound allowing it to not use a synthesizer, which was a big part of new wave music.

New Wave Crave has a busy summer planned. Appearances include Harrah’s Lake Tahoe’s Center Stage on Thursday, June 23, and Truckee’s Bar of America on July 3.

Sol Cannabis is located between Reno and Carson City on Old Highway 395.

-Tim Parsons

ABOUT Tim Parsons

Picture of Tim Parsons
Tim Parsons is the editor of Tahoe Onstage who first moved to Lake Tahoe in 1992. Before starting Tahoe Onstage in 2013, he worked for 29 years at newspapers, including the Tahoe Daily Tribune, Eureka Times-Standard and Contra Costa Times. He was the recipient of the 2011 Keeping the Blues Alive award for Journalism.


