Toccata continues its Winter MusicFest with the ninth annual presentation of J. S. Bach’s masterpiece, The Passion according to St. Matthew. The first concert of the four concert series will take place on Saturday, April 12 at 7 p.m. Shepherd of the Sierra Lutheran Church in Carson City.
The program will feature selections from Part two of the Passion, and will be performed in English. Soloists include Daniel Paulson as the Evangelist, Stuart Duke as Jesus, John Rabben as Pontius Pilate and Chris Nelson as Peter. Anna Helwing and Joy Strotz, are the soprano soloists, with Katharine DeBoer and Liudmilla Mullin, mezzo soprano soloists. Scott Deupree performs as the High Priest, with MaryAnn Helman, Linda Mitchell and Susan Horst as the false witnesses. David Brock will play harpsichord continuo, along with Nicholas Haines, cello, and Quinton Bunk, bass. Maestro James Rawie will conduct all performances. The Toccata Youth Chorus from South Lake will also perform on April 16 and 18.
The St. Matthew Passion will be repeated on Palm Sunday, April 13 at 4 PM at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Reno, located at 501 California Ave. (775-329-0696), and on Wednesday, April 16 at 7 p.m. at St. Theresa Catholic Church in South Lake Tahoe located at 1041 Lyons Ave. (530-544-3533). The final concert will be on Good Friday, April 18 at 7:00 pm at St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church in Incline Village located at 341 Village Blvd. (775-831-1418).
Tickets are available at the door or online at www.ToccataTahoe.com. General admission to all concerts is $25 adults, $20 seniors, $5 students aged 19 to 23 with valid ID. Preferred seating is $35 and $15 for youth/students. Youth under 19 years of age are admitted free, in non reserved seating, to most regular season concerts in 2014. All performances are supported by the Kling Family Foundation.
APRIL 12 -13-PALM SUN, 16, 18-GOOD FRIDAYSaturday April 12 7 pm Shepherd of the Sierra Lutheran Church-Carson City
Palm Sunday April 13 4 pm Good Shepherd Lutheran Church-Reno
Wednesday April 16 7 pm St. Theresa Catholic Church- South Lake Tahoe
Good Friday April 18 7pm St Patricks Episcopal Church-Incline Village