David Brock and his friends have cooked up some piping hot classical music.
Brock’s 16th annual “Hot August Pipes” will be presented at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 12 in St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church at Incline Village. An encore will be held in a private home on Kingsbury Grade in Stateline, Nev., at 5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 17.
Here’s what Brock’s composer friends have prepared:
- — “Prelude and Elegy” by Richard Roeckelein
- — “Suite Franglaise” (a seven Anglo-American hymn tune preludes in homage to the French Classical composers) by Grant Helmers
- — “Adagio” by Roger Nyquist
In addition there will be music by J.S. Bach and a theme and variations of Johann Pachelbel’s “Partita” on “Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan” (Translation: “What God does is well done.”)
Brock will play an original organ transcription of Scott Joplin’s “Peacherline Rag,” and original transcription of a Handel organ concerto, a Pachelbel partita and some more Bach.
Tickets are $20 at the door or $15 online at www.davidbrockmusic.com.
The Special Event Soiree in Stateline starts with an outdoor wine and cheese reception in a rose garden. Soiree tickets are $65 in advance. Reservations are required because the seating capacity is 40.