Tahoe Onstage clicks while Infamous Stringdusters pick

Larry Sabo / Tahoe Onstage
The Infamous Stringdusters are in Tahoe onstage Saturday, January 19, in the Crystal Bay Casino.
Tahoe Onstage photos by Larry Sabo

The most virtuosic bluegrass band in the land, the Infamous Stringdusters picked the Crystal Bay Casino on Saturday to put on a frolicking performance. The Crown Room was sold out.

The Nashville quintet won the 2018 Grammy Award for Best Bluegrass Album for “Laws of Gravity.” The prolific band since has released “Laws of Gravity: Live!,” an EP of cover tunes, “Undercover Vol. 2,” and on Nov. 16 “Live From Telluride,” a 20-song collection from live shows last summer.

To see all of Larry Sabo’s photos from the show, click this LINK.

ABOUT Larry Sabo

Picture of Larry Sabo
Larry Sabo is a real-estate broker with a passion for rock 'n' roll photography. He makes his living during the day selling real estate but you'll see him at night enjoying shows. Stop and talk to him anytime you see him out, he will always appreciate it.


