Freakers by the speakers have a ball in Tahoe

Larry Sabo Tahoe oNSTAGE

The 38th edition of Lake Tahoe’s Freakers Ball unraveled Saturday night at MontBleu Resort Casino & Spa. That witchy, wacky and wonder-filled event is older than many of its participants. Looking for a freaker by the speaker? She was there. Hoping to hang out with some space-funk hipsters? They were there, too. Lasers lit up the venue and go-go dancers keep things moving. Freakers Ball allows locals to relish Tahoe’s hotness one more time, albeit indoors, before snow dancers take the reins. Larry Sabo, intrepid photographer for Tahoe Onstage, was on the scene to record the best of the dressed as they partied away the night. He filed these photos and a whole lot more. See LINK.

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ABOUT Larry Sabo

Picture of Larry Sabo
Larry Sabo is a real-estate broker with a passion for rock 'n' roll photography. He makes his living during the day selling real estate but you'll see him at night enjoying shows. Stop and talk to him anytime you see him out, he will always appreciate it.

