Southern Soul Assembly JJ Grey, Anders Osborne, Marc Broussard, Luther Dickinson, in Reno


The Southern Soul Assembly – JJ Grey, Marc Broussard, Anders Osborne and Luther Dickinson – graced the Cargo stage in Reno Nov. 15 and everyone in that small and intimate room was mesmerized. If there is heaven on earth, we were indeed there.

It was more than Southern soul, more than four well-loved musicians taking the stage, it was magic.

The stories and the laughter added to the music that was pure and heartfelt, and the talent of these men singularly and combined, incredibly delightful. Osborne sang a new song which he stated will not be on his new album, a song about love changing, love dancing, love pure and not so simple, about his wife and their life together for more than 16 years. The song was beautiful and melodic, and gave us each faith, not necessarily faith in the religious sense of the word, but rather faith in love, in the human spirit, in the ever changing thing that we call life.

These men love what they do and they do it so well. Their passion and love of playing soulful and bluesy music pours out of them and blankets all who listen.

On the way home from the show, 28 degrees outside and dropping, I was thinking how fortunate we are to live in a place where music is abundant. Music and mountains and a big blue lake, how could you be anything but grateful.

If I had to choose just one word to describe the Southern Soul Assembly, to quote a sound man and long time friend who has since passed and gone on to other adventures, the word I would choose is bliss. One of the best shows I have been to all year. Thank you Southern Soul Assembly. Come back soon.


ABOUT Tahoe Onstage

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Tahoe Onstage is an online entertainment and sports magazine covering Lake Tahoe, Truckee, Reno, the Carson Valley and June Lake.

