2017 Forte’ Nominees and Award Recipients
Winning nominees are in bold
01. Actor, Dramatic Role
Adam Hsu
Cody Canon
Ian Sorensen
Jessey Richards
John Frederick
02. Actress, Dramatic Role
Cori Cooper
Debra Lynn Hull
Jasmine Jiang
Juli Fair
Kathy Welch
Moira Bengochea
Olivia Hansen
Rachel Lopez
Sophie Moeller
03. Actor, Comedic Role
Abel Echeverria
Cody Canon
Gary Eugene Cremeans II
Greg Klino
James Miller
Jesse James Ziegler
Robert Zellers
04. Actress, Comedic Role
Ariana Cramer
Ilyana Hobson
Jesse Briggs
Rachel Lopez
Rachel Steinman
Vanessa Ribeiro
05. Actor, Musical Role
Bill Quinby
Cody Canon
John Frederick
Richard S. Sargent
Rodney Hurst
Ryan Kelly
06. Actress, Musical Role
Cori Lynne Cooper
Ilyana Hobson
Jesse Briggs
Jill Marlene
Molly DeLallo
Molly Stewart
07. Best Director/Producer
Amanda Alvey
Andy Mills
Cami Thompson
David Zybert
Joe Atack
John Bankhead
John Frederick
Kendall Mann
Ryan Costello
Susan Boulanger
08. Ballet, Contemporary and Lyrical
Angela Smith
Ashley Smith
Kelsi Landerkin
Kris Swaczyna
Sophia Carter
09. Dancer in a Musical, Play, or Production Show
Courtney Cobble
Dillon Daggs
Jayde Reid
July Reddicks
Taylor Shepack
10. Ballroom, Jazz and Tap
Haley Davis
Jennifer Oropeza
Marla Richardson
11. Bollywood, Belly Dance and Movement
C-Chelle Martinez
Terri Sheridan
Reno World Dance
12. Hip Hop, Pop Lock, Breaker and Street Performer
Alex Gumm
Michael Kaski
Sign Monkey, John Hartman
13. Special Act Performer
Claire Nightingale / Tahoe Fire Dancers
Rebecca Yruegas
VaVa Vivian
Whiskey Sirens
14. All Around Junior Dancer
Alex Schwartz
Bryce Walsh
Sophia Cacioppo
15. Male Comedian
Bobby Benedict
Cesar Calix
David Gamble Jr.
Jeremy Boswell
Nick Josten
Paul Bronken
Roger Diez
Sam O’Brien
Sammy Solorio
16. Female Comedian
Amy Bosch
Andrea B
Josie Spadoni
Sarah Rooker
Verma Chelli
17. Improv
Amanda Alvey
Bryce Sanders
Sam O’Brien
Marki Ho
18. Magician
Debi Destiny
Jacques Simard
Larry Wilson
Robert Simpson
Xelena, Empress of the Impossible
19. Blues
9 Below Zero
Alex Muddy Smith
Athena McIntyre
Blue Haven Blues Band
Buddy Emmer
Foureyed Jimmy
Jason King Band
The Blues Monsters
The Jokers Wild Blues Band
The Trey Stone Band
20. Metal and Heavy Rock
Chapter 3
Elephant Rifle
From the Ruins
Machine Gun Vendetta
Monkey Pinata
Third Edge
We Predict A Riot
21. Rock
Alisha Sadler
Blue Dyno
Frankly Fictitious
Hot Rod Rebellion
Metalbilly Trucker
Seasons of Insanity
Serenity Awaits
The Electric
Zack Ryan
22. Jazz
Alex Muddy Smith
Big Bill Robless
First Take featuring Rick Metz
Kyle Rea Big Band
Reno Jazz Orchestra
23. Pop
Asphalt Socialites
Big Heart
Eddy Bueno
Jonathan Rolling
Nevada Gay Mens Chorus
Pink Awful
The Novelists
The Run Up
The Sad Toms
24. R&B, Funk and Soul
Arizona Jones
Mojo Green
The Sextones
Trey Stone
Wesley Orsolic Band
25. Country
Alex Muddy Smith
Everyday Outlaw
Greg Austin & Southern Justice
Patrick Casey
Spur Crazy
26. Americana, Bluegrass and World Music
Jeff Wayne Watkins
Mel & Gia
Sierra Sweethearts
Monique Jade Band
The Reno Swing Set
Tyler Stafford
27. Cabaret and Tribute
Audio Boxx
Beatles Flashback
Hollywood Trashed
Left of Centre
Retro Radio Dolls
The Floyd
Wild Child
28. Jazz Instrumentalist
Corky Bennett
Doug Coomler
John Shipley
Niall McGuiness
Rick Metz
29. Bass
Alexander Korostinsky
Gia Torcaso
Landon Gray
Scott Parsons
Steve Caba aka Guss
30. Guitarist
Andy Kimberly
Buddy Emmer
Eric Stangeland
Jason King Roxas
Jeff Montgomery
Mark Cromer
Michael W. Proud
Tom Sheridan
Trey Stone
Wesley Orsolik
31. Drums and Percussion
Brooklyn Reiff
Dan Weiss
Dean Rossi
Kevin Maxwell
Len Campanaro
Rick Brenner
Steve Roberts
32. Electronic
Erik Lobe
HullabaloO, Andrew Bryant
Kirst / Kiechler
Neuro Type
Rob Lawrence
Sky Cats
33. Hip Hop Vocalist
Another Chapter Productions
Just Sam
Luke Wynn
Nina Ox
Ronnie Mac
Stevi Cooper
Stratify featuring Jhaquin
Too Much
34. Female Vocalist
Carolyn Dolan
CeCe Gable
Cindy Sabatini
Grace Gatsby
Grace Hayes
Jonie Blinman
Kim Emmer
Krystal McMullen
Lisa McCuiston
Michele Swaczyna
Natalie Jones
Stevi Cooper
35. Male Vocalist
Eric Andersen
Greg Austin
Mario Guzman
Marsh Brodeur
Shane Whitecloud
Tobin Jones
36. Lifetime Achievement Award
Larry Engstrom