With ‘Fairy Tale,’ Tim Norton plays June Lake

Tim Norton and friends Cameron Radke and Orion Boucher play Friday in June Lake on the Loop at the T-Bar Social Club.

Over the past four years Tim Norton has been traveling these great states with his band, The Moves Collective. In 2020, the winds are shifting and new sounds are on the horizon. Norton is dancing from the Psychedelic Americana jam band style of The Moves to producing and releasing tracks with a bit of a different sound under his own name.

Norton wrote his new song, “Fairy Tale” while on tour with The Moves last year at one of the more unique venues they’ve played called Mystic Hot Springs. The song will be released this Friday, Feb. 28, on the same day that he will be performing music with friends at the T-Bar Social Club in June Lake. It will be an evening of original music which will be streamed live on the T-Bar’s Facebook page, so be sure to tune in if you can’t make the live show.

The friends listed on this set of shows, Cameron Radke and Orion Boucher, are San Diego locals, as is Norton.

“Orion Boucher plays upright bass and he actually raps so he’s going to do a couple of verses” Norton told us. “Then there’s Cameron Radke and I. We are playing a bunch of covers but I wanted to let Cameron’s originals and my originals shine, too. We want to do something totally new.

“Cam and I have played together a bunch. He was one of the first to join The Moves. He helped me hand-and-hand with every note of the Yonder Blue album. He has great songs, so this will be a platform for him to share originals. All three of us have originals we will be playing Friday night.”

After June Lake, Tim Norton and friends will have another show on March 1 at Mountain Rambler Brewery in Bishop, California. 

“Sunday will be our friend Tommy Higgans’ birthday. We will have a John Hartford tribute medley with songwriter influence. The shows this weekend will be more soul, some psychedelic rock and indie rock. We may bust out a Maroon 5 cover. Lots of fun stuff is in development.”

 Be sure to get online and follow Tim Norton to get his new releases.

“If you go to my Facebook or my website you can pre-save ‘Fairy Tale’ on Spotify or Apple Music so when it comes out, it will already be in your library, and you won’t get me confused with the other Tim Norton who plays shamanic drum music.

It’s a wild world out there. But I’m stoked. I did all the production at home and recorded a local San Diego sax player. My girlfriend, Hanna Hondzo, is on the track too – first time her voice is recorded and put out in the world, so that’s pretty cool.”

Tim talked about how he is exploring new sounds and building his musical muscles.

“This new set of songs I’ve been putting in different musical environments in San Diego. I’ve been trying a lot of things, allowing a different color to surface. I’ve been working under the outfit of The Moves for the past years, so it was always in the jam-band style, and I love that. I grew up with that. But I also hear other things in my head than a shredding 15-minute dorian jam. I’m into that, but I’ve been listening to all this other music and wanting to try something a little different. I feel like there’s a lot more painting to be done” Norton said.

 “I’m still playing bluegrass, but I’m taking a step away from the Americana thing. I want to put a different spin on the stories I’m telling and the experiences I’m trying to share with people.”

The technical skill I witness watching Norton and his friends perform impresses me each time, regardless of the venue or the song choice. Every musician Norton shares the stage with has something unique to offer. So, I’m excited to hear these new originals, feel the new colors unfold, and see the new mix of talented California musicians.

“Fairy Tale” will be the first song in a series of demos Norton will be releasing this year. Pre-save it at linktr.ee/timnorton

Originating in Ocean Beach, San Diego, Norton has sourced many local artists to contribute to the new tracks he will be releasing every four to six weeks.

— Amanda Jacobs

  • Tickets for Friday’s event at June Lake: LINK
  • Watch the Event’s Live Stream: LINK
  • To make sure you don’t miss any new releases, follow him on Instagram: LINK

ABOUT Tahoe Onstage

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Tahoe Onstage is an online entertainment and sports magazine covering Lake Tahoe, Truckee, Reno, the Carson Valley and June Lake.


