Tahoe Loves Rosie benefit Friday at Cold Water Brewery

Tahoe Loves Rosie
The benefit for Rosie Parker is Friday night at the Cold Water Brewery.

South Lake Tahoe beer lovers have an opportunity this week to enjoy some Friday night festivities in support of an excellent cause. Cold Water Brewery will host a benefit get-together for South Shore resident Rosie Parker on Friday, Oct. 21.

“We are showing our love, we are showing our support for Rose,” Cold Water owner Debbie Brown said. “Our brewmaster’s wife was diagnosed with esophageal cancer back in August, and she is fighting the fight of her life.”

Parker lives in Meyers with her husband Ryan and their two children. She has long been an active member of that community, well-known for her annual Easter egg hunts for local children.

To support the Parkers, Cold Water Brewery will open its doors for an evening of food, music, raffles and special brews.

“The evening is going to include a lot of love, that is what it’s going to start with,” Brown said. “Then we’re going to mix that up with some good food, lots of great beer.”

Cash Only Band
Davin Kangas started the Cash Only Band eight years ago.

The fun kicks off at 9 p.m. South Shore musicians Davin Kangas of Cash Only Band and Josh Sweigert will play a variety of Americana, country and folk music during the festivities. Raffle tickets will range from $10 to $50, corresponding to different ranges of prize values.

“I want everyone, when they walk away from here, to feel that benefit,” Brown said. “When they open that bottle of wine or they go and get that pizza, or they get one of the big prizes like a paddleboard or a mountain cruiser, I want them to think about the Parker family.”

Participants need not be present to win to take part in the raffle.

“We encourage you to come for an hour, come for three hours,” Brown said. “Stay to play, but remember, it’s all about the goal, to support these people and help them be successful.”

Cold Water will feature a special menu Friday night, as well as its signature Dunkel beer, Rosie Parker’s favorite. The brew also is being served currently at Sidelli’s Brewery and at Divided Sky, with all proceeds from those sales going to the Parker family.

Brown and her team have set a fundraising goal of $10,000 for the event. A portion of the evening’s proceeds will be donated to the Tahoe Cancer Foundation, with the rest going to the Parkers.

Brown also will have information available at the event for folks interested in contributing directly to the Tahoe Cancer Foundation, a nonprofit group that works to support cancer patients and their families within the basin. Individuals can assist the foundation in many ways, even if they are unable to make cash donations.

“They are in super, super need of drivers,” Brown said. “They just took on a couple of heavy cases that are going to require five days a week driving to Truckee. I don’t think people realize either though that they do pay people for their driving time. It’s not a ton of money, but you do get paid. In this slow season coming up, this might be a good avenue for people that want to give back and have the time now.”

  • Tahoe Loves Rosie; a benefit for Rose Parker
    Where: Cold Water Brewery, South Lake Tahoe
    When: 9 p.m. – 2 a.m., Friday, Oct.21
    Donation: $10

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Tahoe Onstage is an online entertainment and sports magazine covering Lake Tahoe, Truckee, Reno, the Carson Valley and June Lake.


