Like its music, Delhi 2 Dublin goes everywhere, and on Thursday, June 27, the location is the Crystal Bay Casino Crown Room for a free show.
Featuring violins and percussion, the much-traveled band plays a high-energy mix of Indian and Celtic music with reggae and dubstep.
“Everyone’s influenced from metal to hip-hop to popular music to Indian classic music,” Sanjay Seran said in a 2011 interview with us. “Anything that makes people dance is going to be very popular.”
The Vancouver, B.C. band has performed on almost every continent in the world.
Its fourth album, “Turn Up The Stereo,” was released internationally on Feb. 19.
A 7-year-old band, Delhi 2 Dublin, whose members usually play in Tahoe in the winter so they can snowboard, will be at North Shore in between summertime festival appearances.
The Crown Room Show starts at 10 p.m.
Delhi 2 Dublin will be back in the region July 12-13 for the California Worldfest in Grass Valley.