Spencer Murphy sounds Irish, but his nickname “Murf” has more of an irie flavor. The bassist with the Sacramento reggae quartet Arden Park Roots, will be joined by Tyler Campbell, Jason Duvall and Nick Ledoux on Friday, Dec. 27 in Whiskey Dick’s Saloon. South Lake Tahoe has become a second hometown for Arden Park Roots which has appeared at the Hard Rock Lake Tahoe’s Battle of the Bands, Lakeview Commons Live at Lakeview Concert Series, Kirkwood’s 7800’ Bar & Grill and Steamers Bar and Grill.
The band has a will tour on a new album in 2014, its fourth overall and first since the successful “Pipe Dreams,” released in 2011.
Sublime’s influence in the 1990s led to the reggae-punk style called California reggae, which seems to be what most blue-eyed, percussion-heavy bands with emphasis on the third beat are called. Arden Park is mostly a reggae band but it has rock tendencies. And it did, in fact, begin several years ago as a Sublime cover band.
Arden Park Roots will perform with Weapon and S.O.Dubs on Friday, Dec. 27 in Whiskey Dicks Saloon, 3600 Lake Tahoe Blvd. Doors open at 9 p.m. Tickets are $10 in advance at Whiskey Dicks, Mad About Music, Beach Hut Deli or www.Ticketweb.com or $12 on the day of show. It is a Late-Nite Productions event.
According to press materials, Arden Park Roots has six major awards under its dreadlocks including three Sacramento News and Review “SAMMIES” for “Best Reggae/Rock/Funk band” and in 2012, they were inducted into the Sacramento music Hall of Fame.