Single: Greg Loiacono releases emotional series finale

Greg Loiacono slides in Tahoe last spring with a Telecaster. Tim Parsons / Tahoe Onstage

Longtime Mother Hips and Green Leaf Rustlers guitar player and singer Greg Loiacono has released a new single and video titled “Last Day Of June.”

It’s the fourth of a series of four solo singles released by Loiacono. The song is an instrumental, and it features synthesizer drones by Loiacono and EBow guitar by Scott Hirsch (Hiss Golden Messenger). Hirsch mixed the song, and Anthony Puglisi mastered it.

The song has a minimal approach, centering around Greg’s love for acoustic open tunings. There’s a peaceful elegance to it which complements the three previous singles, rounding out an array of styles ranging from R&B, soul and rock, to this more ethereal, heady and earthy finale of this series.

“The song is a result of reflecting on impermanence and how no matter what kind of plans you make, things can and will change whether you want them to or not,” he said.

“The piece was written on June 30, 2020 which was my wife and I’s 20th wedding anniversary. The world was deep in lockdown and many of our life plans had fallen by the wayside. It did not feel like a time to celebrate. Continuity, patience, and acceptance seemed to be almost antidotes to the sometimes nerve-frying characteristics of the unknown and are some of the qualities that helped see us through.

“The blend of acoustic guitar and synthesizer allowed me to meld juxtaposing thoughts and feeling through tone. And it was good to leave words out of it and let the music guide the way. The result is a dedication to our love and journey, thus far.”

You can further follow Loiacono and his solo happenings as well as the 30th anniversary celebration of the Mother Hips at and

— Tahoe Onstage

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Tahoe Onstage is an online entertainment and sports magazine covering Lake Tahoe, Truckee, Reno, the Carson Valley and June Lake.

