Caught in the act: MarchFourth exposed in Tahoe onstage

Tahoe Onstage
Performance art and musical stalwarts MarchFourth did its wild and crazy stuff at Harrah’s Lake Tahoe on Dec. 14, 2017.
Tahoe Onstage photos by Larry Sabo

Like a great rollicking comedy that delivers new one-liners you missed each time you watch it, there is so much going during a MarchFourth show that one could easily attend three or four in a row and not catch everything. The band took Lake Tahoe on its crazy ride at Harrah’s Lake Tahoe on Dec. 14. Photos by Larry Sabo. Read the review here.Tahoe Onstage

Click link to see all of Larry Sabo’s photos.

ABOUT Larry Sabo

Picture of Larry Sabo
Larry Sabo is a real-estate broker with a passion for rock 'n' roll photography. He makes his living during the day selling real estate but you'll see him at night enjoying shows. Stop and talk to him anytime you see him out, he will always appreciate it.

