Day 1 photos: High Sierra Music fest on the 4th of July

There is nothing more exuberant than opening day at the High Sierra Music Festival.
Larry Sabo / Tahoe Onstage photos

QUINCY, CALIFORNIA — Photographer’s notebook: It is a bit cooler than in the past, low ’90s.  It seems like I’ve seen three days worth of music on the first day!  My outstanding band discovery so far has been Royal Jelly Jive.

— Larry Sabo, July 4, 2019, High Sierra Music Festival

ABOUT Larry Sabo

Picture of Larry Sabo
Larry Sabo is a real-estate broker with a passion for rock 'n' roll photography. He makes his living during the day selling real estate but you'll see him at night enjoying shows. Stop and talk to him anytime you see him out, he will always appreciate it.

