Beats Antique’s stringed loops and bellydancing transports Cargo to warm Middle Eastern currents

Beats Antique perform at Concert Cargo Hall in Reno, Nevada
Beats Antique perform at Cargo Concert Hall in Reno, Nevada. Photos: Shaun Astor

January 2025

A packed house at downtown Reno’s Cargo Concert Hall was treated to a soundtrack and performance reminiscent of Middle Eastern by Oakland group, Beats Antique.

Led by David Satori, a multi instrumentalist who performed on, amongst other stringed instruments, one that he constructed himself, and percussionist Tommy Cappel, the group played for nearly 90 minutes, with songs resonating in Middle Eastern influenced loops that mixed electronic music, strings, and occasional synchronized percussion. However, with Satori and Cappel perched on platforms at either darkened corner of the stage, the focal point of the show was bellydancer Zoe Jakes whose routines spanned the stage throughout around half of the band’s songs.

David Satori leads Beats Antique through Mid Eastern influenced looping sound waves.

Jakes mixed traditional bellydance with Indian and contemporary styles, at times solo and at times fronting a trio of dancers. With minimal vocals, the group’s performance centered around becoming lost in the looping beats and Jakes’ wandering movement. At times performing routines while balancing objects on her head, and at other times strutting in wildly percussive momements while playing a drum that added to the electronic beats, the bellydancing performances gave the music a fuller experience, that at times felt only partially constructed when Jakes and her dancers would leave the stage.

But on a cold winter night, Beats Antique brought 90 minutes of warmth to a packed room eager to dance to the group’s unique electronic music that floats amidst a Middle Eastern sound.

Dimond Saints, or in this case, one half of the Oakland duo, opened the show, performing a more laidback swampy trance sound that gradually grew over the course of the 60 minute set. From a slowburn opening to gradually incorporating hip hop samples later in the set that breathed more energy into the room, Dimond Saints toyed with merging bass into a meandering electronic direction that, when bathed in the colors and smoke of Cargo’s stage lighting, set the tone for the night to come.

Zoe Jakes and Beats Antique perform a live concert at Cargo Concert Hall in Reno, Nevada
Zoe Jakes of Beats Antique was the focal point of the band’s performance.
Dancers alternated between performing as a trio with each having solo performances throughout the set.
Tommy Cappel of Beats Antique
The moments of interplay between Jakes and the other band members heightened the show.
Dimond Saints opened the show.

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ABOUT Shaun Astor

Picture of Shaun Astor
Shaun Astor cites pop music singers and social deviants as being among his strongest influences. His vices include vegan baking, riding a bicycle unreasonable distances and fixating on places and ideas that make up the subject of the sentence, "But that’s impossible…" He splits his time between Reno and a hammock perched from ghost town building foundations. Check out his work at

