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Bound for Reno’s Grand Sierra Resort, Weezer has released a new album, announced a world tour and made countless fans of the rock-pop band super excited to see these superheroes of cool-geek live on stage.

Weezer’s massive catalog of hits dates from 90s post-grunge era songs like “Say it Ain’t So” and “Buddy Holly” to tongue-in-cheek post-modern anthems like “Pork and Beans” and “Thank God for Girls”. With River Cuomo’s wry lyrics and the band’s unrelenting rhythm and catchy choruses, Weezer is a master of the alternative pop-rock genre.

The Grand Theatre at Grand Sierra Resort will play host to the band on the Reno leg of their Feels Like Summer tour. This intimate concert venue is the perfect place to see these legends of indie rock up close.

As four Reno natives and lifelong friends, opening band Bluff Caller has been playing and recording in Reno and LA for the last five years. Chill out to the sounds of their R ‘n’ B-drenched rock when they support Weezer at the Grand Theatre.