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The Electric and The Sad Giants

The Saint hosts local Reno power trios The Electric and The Sad Giants for an evening of drinking, dancing, and rock n roll tune-age.

The Electric: A high-octane, hip-shaking, greasy, rock-n-roll trio slinsg up gyrating tunes to billow and bump to. Get caught in their net of catchy choruses, punchy verses and even walk over a bridge or two (music slang). No 8-minute solos, no angry-at-dad lyrics, no key-tars, masks, onesies or fake hillbilly overtones. Just pure, guilty, let’s-get-sweaty rock-n-roll. Grab a beer… then come spill a little on the dance floor.
Sad Giants: A power trio that kicks out the melodic rawness of Americana rock ala Springsteen or Petty with a modern pop wit that twinges each song with its own unique catch from ’90s college rock to melodic punk.