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Rabbit Wilde

Rabbit Wilde brings the front porch to the Red Room at 10 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 29, at the Crystal Bay Casino. The show is free.

Though all four members of Rabbit Wilde grew up running around wooded areas of the same small town in the farthest Northwest corner of Washington state, brothers Zach and Nathan didn’t meet Miranda, the third founding member, until they had all ended up in New York City. This kind of backyard folk seasoned by the edge, polish and fervor of big-city inclinations is at the root of their high-energy sound and stage presence.
The group revamps classic string band instrumentation with homespun percussion and the unique integration of six-string ukulele and Jillian Walker on cello. With their widely varying influences, three distinct vocal styles and copious amounts of foot-stomping, they demonstrate a sound and presence that’s at once original and familiar, appealing to audiences of all generations and genres.