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EDM: Kill The Noise, Luzcid, Game Genie

Kill The Noise, Luzcid, Game Genie perform a late-night show for concertgoers 18 and older at Cargo in the Whitney Peak Hotel. Cover: $25. Doors open at 10 p.m.

Jake Stanczak of Rochester, New York, is an electronic music producer known by his stage names — Kill the Noise and Ewun. He’s in the midst of his Occult Classic Tour. Luzcid is Neil Berry of Houston, Texas, presenting space music — “a sonic odyssey, a series of auditory adventures in which participants completely escape time and space…” Game Genie is Marcus Lee of Sacramento, a superhero by day and a DJ/producer/promoter by night who “descended from outer space.” Looks like a delightful night of bass-heavy beats and space funk.