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Creedence Clearwater Revisited

Forget about the grapevine, we confirm Creedence Clearwater Revisited will perform at 8 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 12, in TJ’s Corral at the Carson Valley Inn.

Ready for some classic rock? Creedence Clearwater Revisited will make sure you are not stuck in Lodi again. The band includes two of the four original members of Creedence Clearwater Revival, bassist Stu Cook and drummer Doug Clifford, a Reno-Tahoe area resident.

Last year, the band delighted a crowd at the Grand Sierra Resort in Reno. Cook and Clifford continue to provide a solid rock and roll rhythm section, which was one of the finest of their era. In the Grand Theatre, Cook strutted around with a huge smile most of the time. Clifford sat stoic, pumping out a solid tempo that did not waver. Tickets: $59 and $75.