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Chi McClean

Chi McClean plays tonight at the Alibi Ale Works Truckee Public House.

If you haven’t heard McClean and his sweet guitars and banjo, do yourself a favor and go have a listen. A native of New York, who relocated to the West Coast and the spaces between, McClean is Americana, acoustic rock, roots, throw in a few covers, and there you have it, perfectly pleasing music to fill you up.

McClean’s craft and talent and love for writing, playing and singing music is ever present, and it continues to inspire and amaze his fan base and new listeners. He writes from his core, sometimes hauntingly, about life and loss, love and the open road, and the realness of it all. His music leaves you with a full heart, an occasional chuckle and the desire to hear more.

He is currently working on his fourth full-length release with Grammy Award-winning engineer and producer Richie Biggs, back in Nashville, Tennessee at Art House Studios.