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Bluesdays: Kenny Neal

It’s real: Kenny Neal will be in The Village at Squaw Valley for Bluesdays.

How did Kenny Neal get to be the band leader? He was born first.

Kenny Neal and the Family Band is based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. All 10 Neal siblings grew up to be professional musicians, and Kenny is the eldest. He was backed by his brothers on Bluesdays show of the summer in 2016.

Kenny Neal plays guitar, harmonica and sings. Frederick plays keys, Graylon plays drums and Darnell is the bassist.

“It’s good to keep it in the family and also we get along and love each other,” Neal told Tahoe Onstage. “I can’t fire them and they can’t quit.

“I am always asked how do we stay together. We’ve got to answer to our mom. We never need a manager. If something’s not right, she can get it all straightened out quick.”