Ever walk like an Egyptian on grass?
Plenty of folks did just that on Sunday when New Wave Crave celebrated music from an earlier time at the outdoor venue at Sol Cannabis.
Back in the 1980s, Madonna, Morrissey and Modern English ruled the airwaves and Washoe City was a Nevada Highway Patrol speed trap between Reno and Carson City. Today, New Wave Crave is a high-energy, in-demand band. And a modern freeway bypasses what is now named Old Highway 395, where by far the biggest thing in town Sol Cannabis.
The 8,000 square foot dispensary offers visitors the chance to tour a glass-enclosed extraction lab and kitchen and natural sun lit greenhouse. Outside on a lawn, there is a stage, where there are live shows on Sundays from 3 to 6 p.m..
The concert series continues into fall. Next up will be California country Desert Cats led by singer Tammie Lee play on Sept. 25. World folk artist Tim Snider will be backed by the Jelly Bread rhythm section on Oct. 9. The season concludes Oct. 23 with a full serving of Jelly Bread, an R&B flavored favorite.
-Tim Parsons