WinterWonderGrass Tahoe 2022 closes out in sweet style

Photographer’s notebook: WinterWondergrass came back to Tahoe after the festival was postponed in 2020 and 2021 and was warmly welcomed by locals and attendees from all over the country. The attendance averaged 5,500 per day. We look forward to another great year and appreciate all the hard work it takes to bring this type of festival together. As we leave WWG feeling fulfilled with tired feet from dancing the weekend away, we ask ourselves the question we’re already thinking. What the lineup will be next year?
-Rachel Lopez

The Cris Jacobs band comprised of multi-instrumentalist like youve never seen. These guys hit their sets hard with some twangy, country, bluegrass tunes.
TK and the Holy Know Nothings I could see this band at a down home rowdy classic western country bar. They were a good time and they knew it. All musically talented individuals based out of Portland, Oregon they were showcasing their skills in a fun series of performances throughout the day.
Concertgoers touch down at WinterWonderGrass Tahoe 2022.
Della Mae: Della Mae a 6 member all women Grammy nominated string band, they rocked the main stage in colorful onesies engaging the crowd in their lyrics and charismatic attitude.
The Lil Smokies fired up the main stage playing original folk bluegrass hits and showcased their string talents.
From left, Geoff, Nadine and Gus drink it all in.
At last the California Honeydrops hit the stage, with the crowd roaring alive and immediately dancing to their groovy soulful songs. With guest band members like Lindsay Lou joining on stage it was a turned up funky party and great way to end the night.
Lindsay Lou joins the jam with the California Honeydrops.
Tahoe Onstage photos by Rachel Lopez

ABOUT Rachel Lopez

Picture of Rachel Lopez
Rachel Lopez creates art by capturing the moment in all styles of photography. Her passion for working in the music industry makes concert photography the perfect landscape. She lives at North Shore.

